論文業績   Publications

※参加メンバーの皆さんへ。当プログラムの成果を発表する際や論文を 投稿する際は、必ずプログラム名 「JSPS Japanese-German Graduate Externship」を入れてください。

April 2014 →

  • Dario Goetz and Yoshihiro Shibata, On the R boundedness of the solution operators in the study of the compressible viscous fluid flow with free boundary condition. Asymptotic Analysis, 90 (2014), no. 3-4, 207-236. DOI:10.3233/ASY-141238
  • Takayuki Kubo, Yoshihiro Shibata and Kohei Soga, On the R-boundedness for the two phase problem: compressible-incompressible model problem. Bound. Value Probl. 2014:141 (2014), 33 pp. OPEN ACCESS DOI:10.1186/s13661-014-0141-3
  • Matthias Hieber and Miho Murata, The Lp-Approach to the Fluid-Rigid Body Interaction Problem for Compressible Fluids. Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 4 (2015), no.1, 69-87. DOI:10.3934/eect.2015.4.69
  • Hirofumi Notsu and Masahisa Tabata, Error estimates of a pressure-stabilized chaacteristics finite element scheme for the Oseen equations. Journal of Scientific Computing, 62 (2015). Published online: 4 February 2015. DOI:10.1007/s10915-015-9992-8
  • Matthias Hieber and Hirokazu Saito, Strong solutions for two-phase free boundary problems for a class of non-Newtonian fluids. Journal of Evolution Equations, (2016). Published online: 19 September 2016. DOI:10.1007/s00028-016-0351-5
  • Hirofumi Notsu and Masahisa Tabata, Error estimates of a stabilized Lagrange-Galerkin scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 50 (2016),no. 2, 361-380. DOI:10.1051/m2an/2015047
  • Hirokazu Saito and Yoshihiro Shibata, On decay properties of solutions to the Stokes equations with surface tension and gravity in the half space. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 68 (2016), no. 4, 1559-1614. DOI:10.2969/jmsj/06841559
  • Sri Maryani and Hirokazu Saito, On the R-boundedness of solution operator families for two-phase Stokes resolvent equations. Differential Integral Equations, 30 (2017), no. 1-2, 1-52.
  • Masahisa Tabata and Shinya Uchiumi, A genuinely stable Lagrange-Galerkin scheme for convection-diffusion problems, 2015, submitted. PREPRINT arXiv:1505.05984 [math.NA]
  • Masahisa Tabata and Shinya Uchiumi, A Lagrange-Galerkin scheme with a locally linearized velocity for the Navier-Stokes equations, 2015, submitted. PREPRINT arXiv:1505.06681 [math.NA]
  • Tomoya Kemmochi, On the finite element approximation for non-stationary saddle-point problems, 2017, submitted. PREPRINT arXiv:1709.00723 [math.NA]

⇒ Past Publications from 2009 to March 2014.

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